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[팟캐스트] (576) 학령인구 절벽 영향 본격화로 교사 수 줄인다
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Korea to cut no. of teachers amid diminishing student numbers 기사 요약: 출생에 따른 학령인구 감소가 본격화하면서 신규교사 채용 규모가 축소된 데 이어 '예비 교사'를 길러내는 교육대학교 정원까지 줄어들게 됐다. [1] Amid administrative efforts to increase the annual enrollment quota for medical schools that sparked the mass walk-out of doctors across the country, the government said it would reduce the number of school teachers going forward, citing a decline in student numbers. *administrative: 관리(행정)상의 *enrollment: 입학; 등록 *
April 18, 2024
[팟캐스트] (575) 연상호 감독표 ‘기생수:더 그레이’는 어떨까?
진행자: 박준희, Ali Abbot [Herald Review] ‘Parasyte: The Grey,’ run-of-the-mill monster horror series that lacks charm of original manga 기사 요약: 원작 만화의 매력을 담지 못한 호러물 [1] “Parasyte: The Grey,” the ambitiously re-imagined series by star director Yeon Sang-ho, is a run-of-the-mill monster horror show that fails to capture the charm and essence of the original manga. * Ambitiously: 야심차게 * Run-of-the-mill: 지극히 평범한; 보통의 * Capture: 사로잡다 * Manga: 만화 [2] The series is set in the un
April 15, 2024
[팟캐스트] (574) 이색적인 선거 운동 어디까지?
진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot No shirt, no shoes or dressed for mourning: Candidates' campaign gimmicks 기사 요약: 바디프로필, 댄스 챌린지, 혈서에 소복까지 이색 운동 이따르던 22대 총선 이모저모 [1] As South Koreans go to the polls to elect the 300 members of the National Assembly on Wednesday, political candidates have fully ramped up efforts to court voters. *ramp up: ~을 늘리다, 증가시키다 *court: ~의 환심을 사려고 하다(cultivate), 얻으려 하다/ 법원 [2] Walking down practically any main street at the moment, one will easily spot rallies of candidates an
April 11, 2024
[팟캐스트] (573) 총선 사전투표율 '역대 최고'
진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot Assembly race heats up as early voters turn out in historic numbers 기사 요약: 22대 총선 사전투표의 최종 투표율이 31.28%로 집계되면서 역대 '최다' 사전 투표율 기록 [1] More registered voters than ever turned out for early voting on Friday and Saturday, further heating up the election race, with the Democratic Party of Korea claiming that it points to a possible advantage. *turn out: 모습을 드러내다/ (결과가 특정 방식으로) 되다/ 바깥쪽으로 향하다 *claim: 주장하다(assert, declare) / 갖다 [2] According to the National Election Commi
April 8, 2024
[팟캐스트] (572) 2주 만에 막 내린 류준열·한소희 연애
진행자: 박준희, Ali Abbot Han So-hee, Ryu Joon-yeol part ways 2 weeks after going public with relationship 기사 요약: 배우 한소희와 류준열, 공개 연애 2주 만에 결별 [1] South Korean actors Han So-hee and Ryu Joon-yeol have decided to “go their own ways” after two tumultuous weeks surrounding the stars’ admissions of dating and accusations of impropriety in Ryu dating Han so soon after his breakup from his longtime partner, singer and actor Hyeri. * Go your own way: 서로 갈 길을 가다 * Tumultuous: 떠들썩한; 격동의 * A
April 4, 2024
[팟캐스트] (571) K-뷰티 쓴맛 보고 철수 결정한 글로벌 뷰티 편집샵
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer Sephora exits Korea after years of losses 기사 요약: 글로벌 화장품 편집샵 세포라, 한국 시장 적자 끝에 철수 [1] French cosmetics retailer Sephora, owned by LVMH Group, on Tuesday declared its withdrawal from the Korean market, following years of financial losses. - declare 선언, 선포하다 - withdrawal 철회, 철수 [2] "With heavy hearts, we have decided to cease operations in Korea. From May 6, we will gradually wind down our presence across online platforms, mobile applications and physical stores,
April 1, 2024
[팟캐스트] (570) 한국 오컬트 ‘파묘’ 흥행몰이 중
'Exhuma' first movie this year to attract 10m moviegoers 진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer 기사 요약: ‘파묘’ 올해 첫 천만 관객 돌파…한국 오컬트 장르 영화 중 최초 [1] Occult flick "Exhuma" on Sunday became the first movie to surpass 10 million in ticket sales this year, having reached the milestone on its 32nd day in theaters, according to Showbox, the film's distributor. * occult flick 초자연적 현상을 다룬 영화 * distributor 배급사 [2] The movie is the first to exceed the 10 million mark in ticket
March 28, 2024
[팟캐스트] (569) ‘반반’ 결혼 어때?
진행자: 박준희, Ali Abbot [Weekender] A new equation in sharing costs of marriage 기사 요약: 결혼에 드는 비용을 반씩 부담하는 ‘반반 결혼’ 택하는 사람들 늘어나 [1] Newlyweds, single men and single women interviewed by The Korea Herald generally envisioned an equal partnership founded on equal contributions -- be it financially, in terms of their roles, or both. Yet, in reality, men still pay more to cover the costs of marriage. Women say they are willing to contribute more, but are often limited by practical reasons,
March 25, 2024
[팟캐스트] (568) 아파트 캥거루족 68%, 결혼 전까지 독립 계획 없다
진행자: 박준희, Ali Abbot 68% of Korean adults living with parents won’t move out until marriage 기사요약: 결혼 전까지 독립 계획이 없는 미혼 남녀들 많아졌다 [1] A recent survey showed that the vast majority of South Korean adults living with their parents in apartments have no plans to move out until they are married. * Recent: 최근의 * Majority: 다수 * Move out: (살던 집에서) 이사를 나가다 [2] Finances were a major factor, as 32 percent said the “cost of housing is too high,” while 23 percent said, “I’m conc
March 21, 2024
[팟캐스트] (567) ‘탁구게이트’ 이강인, 축구대표팀 발탁
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn PSG's Lee Kang-in makes national squad despite Asian Cup dispute 기사요약: 축구계를 뒤흔든 '탁구게이트'의 중심에 섰던 이강인 선수가 대표팀에 발탁돼 3월 A매치에 출격한다. [1] South Korean men's national soccer team head coach Hwang Sun-hong announced his 23-man squad Monday, which included Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Lee Kang-in who fell from favor with the public for his recent scuffle with team captain Son Heung-min. *squad: 선수단 *scuffle: 실랑이, 옥신각신함 [2] The interim coach for the team ac
March 18, 2024
[팟캐스트] (566) 아이유, 여자 솔로 최초 서울월드컵경기장 입성
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn IU sets off on first world tour, 'H.E.R' 기사요약: 가수 아이유가 서울 단독 콘서트로 월드투어의 포문을 열고 여성 솔로 아티스트 최초로 서울 상암 월드컵 경기장에 입성해 오는 9월 앙코르 콘서트를 개최한다. [1] IU’s voice rippled through the KSPO Dome on Sunday as the lights dimmed to open the singer-songwriter’s final Seoul concert of her first world tour, "H.E.R.," which took place in the capital on March 2-3 and March 9-10. *ripple: 잔물결을 이루다, 파문처럼 번지다 *dim: (빛의 밝기가[를]) 낮아지다[낮추다], 어둑해지다[어둑하게 하다] [2] Remini
March 14, 2024
[팟캐스트] (565) 이강인 관련 가짜뉴스 유튜브 영상 조회수 약 7천만 회, 수익은?
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Fake news on soccer star generated W700m: report 기사 요약: 축구선수 이강인 관련 가짜 뉴스 영상이 유튜브에서 7천만 조회수를 기록하며 7억원 정도의 수익 발생됐다는 인공지능 기업의 보고서 [1] YouTube videos carrying fake news about controversy-ridden soccer star Lee Kang-in are thought to have generated up to 700 million won ($523,000) in profit in the two weeks after his alleged altercation with Son Heung-min became public, a report by an advertising consulting firm claimed Sunday. *-ridden: ~에 시달리는 *alleged: 추정된, 제기된 *altercation:
March 11, 2024
[팟캐스트] (564) 혼인건수 지난 10년 새 얼마나 줄었을까
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Marriages in Korea fall by 40% within a decade 기사 요약: 2013년 32만 이었던 혼인 건수가 작년 19만으로 10년새 40% 감소 [1] In another piece of grim news underscoring South Korea's looming demographic crisis, the number of marriages in 2023 fell by 40 percent compared to the level recorded a decade ago, government statistics revealed Sunday. *grim: 암울한, 음침한 *underscore: 강조하다 *looming: (주로 무섭거나 위협적이게) 다가오는, 보이기 시작하는 *demographic: 인구통계학 [2] According to Statistics Korea, an estimated 193,673 co
March 7, 2024
[팟캐스트] (563) 한국인들이 유독 죽음을 두려워하는 이유는?
진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot Death & denial: Why Koreans refuse to contemplate the end 기사 요약: '죽음'에 대해 이야기 하기를 꺼려하고 죽음에 대해 슬퍼하고 부정적인 인식이 유독 큰 한국인, 그 이유는? [1] A few years ago, Kim Sun-yong (not her real name) stumbled upon a Facebook post written by an acquaintance from work. The author, an American who was battling late-stage cancer with no prospects of recovery, asked his Facebook friends for suggestions on what to include on his bucket list as he braced for the inevitable. *stumble upon:
March 4, 2024
[팟캐스트] (562) 떠들썩한 의대 증원 이모저모
진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot Government sets deadline for doctors to return by Thursday 기사 요약: 의대 정원 확대 발표에 반발하고 나선 전공의들이 병원 이탈하고 의료 공백 커지자, 정부는 "목요일까지 돌아오면 책임 물지 않을 것"이라고 말해 [1] Amid lingering tensions between doctors and the government over the latter's plan to increase the medical school enrollment quota, the government has upped the pressure, issuing doctors with an ultimatum to return to work by Thursday. *latter: 후자, 마지막 (〈-〉former 전자) *ultimatum: 최후통첩 (final notice, warning, etc.)
Feb. 29, 2024
[팟캐스트] (561) 대통령에게 항의하다 끌려나간 대학교 졸업생
진행자: 김혜연, Ali Bodyguards drag student out for protesting Yoon's commencement 기사 요약: 대학 학위수여식에서 윤석열 대통령에게 연구개발 예산 삭감에 대한 문제를 외치다 대통령실 경호원에 의해 사지가 들린 채 강제 퇴장 당한 사건 [1] A student was physically removed on Friday as he protested a research budget cut as President Yoon Suk Yeol delivered a speech at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's commencement ceremony in Daejeon. * budget cut 예산 삭감 * commencement 학위 수여식, 졸업식 [2] A clip of the student being carried out with his
Feb. 26, 2024
[팟캐스트] (560) '환자의 존엄한 죽음을 도와줍니다,' 한국의 반응은?
진행자: 김혜연, Ali Where does Korea stand on assisted death? 기사 요약: 스위스 조력사망 단체들에 가입한 한국인 수는 약 300명, 헌법이 명시한 인간의 존엄과 가치에 대한 국가의 의식 수준은? Myelitis patient, seeking a dignified exit from pain, challenges local laws criminalizing assisted suicide [1] While South Korea criminalizes any form of assisted dying, at least 204 South Koreans, as of April 2023, have obtained membership for assisted dying facilities in Switzerland; Dignitas had 136 Korean members, Exit International had 55 and Lifecircle had
Feb. 22, 2024
[팟캐스트] (559) 러시아 난민들이 한국에 폭증한 이유는?
진행자: 최정윤, Elise Youn Korea sees surge in number of asylum seekers from Russia 기사 요약: 지난해 5천 7백 여명의 러시아인이 한국 정부에 난민 신청, 2022년 비해 5배 늘어난 이유는? [1] South Korea saw a significant rise in the number of Russian asylum seekers last year, with over 5,000 submitting refugee applications, a government report found Monday. *asylum: 망명 [2] According to the latest monthly report by the Korea Immigration Service under the Ministry of Justice, the number of Russian nationals who sought refugee status in Kore
Feb. 19, 2024
[팟캐스트] (558) '라면'과 '라멘'의 차이는?
진행자: 최정윤, Elise Youn Why ramyeon makers still stick with 'ramen' marketing 기사 요약: 라면과 라멘의 분명한 차이에도 한국 라면 회사들이 해외 출시시 ‘라멘’을 고집하는 이유는? [1] Amid soaring exports of Korean instant noodles in recent years, a renewed spotlight has been cast on a decadeslong dilemma among local food companies -- whether or not the word "ramen" should be ditched from their marketing strategy. *cast light on: 새로운 정보를 주다, 보여주다 *ditch: 버리다/ 배수로 [2] Ramen, rooted in Japanese culinary traditi
Feb. 15, 2024
[팟캐스트] (557) 서울 용산에 100층 랜드마크 국제업무지구 들어선다
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Seoul unveils plan for world's largest 'vertical' business district in Yongsan 기사 요약: 서울 용산에 100층 안팎의 랜드마크가 들어서고 세계 최초로 45층 건물을 잇는 1.1㎞ 스카이 트레일이 설치된다. [1] The Seoul city government unveiled a set of plans to transform an abandoned train maintenance depot in the central district of Yongsan into an international business district, with the construction of a 100-floor skyscraper and a sky trail linking high-rises there as the centerpiece. *train maintenance
Feb. 13, 2024