The Korea Herald


Koreans' average level of life satisfaction found to be 6.4 out of 10

By Yonhap

Published : June 4, 2018 - 11:48

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Koreans gave an average score of 6.4 on a 0 to 10 scale for the level of satisfaction with their quality life, a government survey showed Monday.

Hankook Research conducted the inaugural survey from May 15-21 after being commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. 1,500 adult respondents were asked how satisfied they were with their life. 

According to the survey, life satisfaction level was in inverse proportion to age: people aged 19-29 were most content with their life with an average score of 6.8, followed by people in their 30s (6.6), in their 40s (6.4), in their 50s (6.3) and in their 60s (5.9).

Single-person households were found to have the lowest satisfaction with an average score of 6 while four-member households had the highest with 6.6.

(Yonhap) (Yonhap)

The satisfaction level was found to be proportional to income: 5.5 for households with monthly incomes of less than 1 million won ($933), 6.3 those in the 3-3.99 million won range and 7.2 for earners of 6-6.99 million won.

People gave an average score of 6.2 on work-life balance. The survey found that people with better work-life balance were more satisfied with their lives.

While people were generally content with family life (7.9), health and medical services (6.7), childrearing and education (6.4) and residential environment (6.4), they were not very happy with job, income, social welfare, natural environment and disaster safety (5.8) as well as culture and leisure (5.6).

The biggest concerns for Koreans were health and medical services (57.2 percent), followed by job and income (49.4 percent) and social safety net and welfare system (30.2 percent), the last two being areas that the respondents considered to be in serious need of immediate attention from the government.

The ministry said it will conduct the survey annually and use the results for policy making and execution.(Yonhap)