The Korea Herald


Evacuation-oriented, transformable balcony wins firefighting contest

By Ahn Sang-yool

Published : April 9, 2018 - 17:41

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The National Fire Agency has chosen a special balcony as the product of the new fire equipment contest. It can be transformed into a staircase for evacuation in case of fire.

The balcony was introduced during the “The 21st New Fire Product Convention.” Whenever there is a need for a fire emergency evacuation, this balcony can be unfolded to provide a staircase for downstairs.

Judges of the convention highly rated the balcony due to its effectiveness as an evacuation method, differentiation from the existing evacuation aids and high applicability in real life.

(National Fire Agency) (National Fire Agency)

An NFA official said that “the agency seeks to revise the technical standard so that these new products may be categorized as fire equipment.” He added that the agency is also mulling over making amendments in the operation policy to promote the convention.

So far, 239 products have been introduced in 21 fire product conventions which kicked off in June 2010. Among them, 31 products have been selected and launched to the market, creating jobs in the firefighting industry and contributing to the technological advancement of firefighting equipment.

By Ahn Sang-yool (