The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트](56) 프란치스코 교황 방한 외 2건

By 옥현주

Published : Aug. 20, 2014 - 19:29

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1.  프란치스코 교황 방한

가톨릭의 수장인 프란치스코 교황이 한국을 다녀갔다. 신자, 비신자를 막론하고 대한민국 전체가 그에게 열광하고 뜨거운 환호를 보냈다.  이러한 열풍의 배경에는 권위의식을 버리고 사람들과 공감, 소통하는 리더십을 보여줬던 교황이 있다.

Pope stresses dialogue, openness

[1] Pope Francis on Sunday made his strongest appeal yet to China since becoming pope, saying he “earnestly” hopes for a dialogue with the countries which the Vatican has no diplomatic ties with.

*make an appeal: 간청, 호소하다
*earnestly: 진지하게, 진심으로
*diplomatic ties: 외교 관계 (=diplomatic relations)

[2] “In this spirit of openness to others, I earnestly hope that those countries of your continent with whom the Holy See does not yet enjoy a full relationship, may not hesitate to further a dialogue for the benefit of all,” the pope said in a speech to some 70 Asian bishops in the western coastal city of Seosan, South Chungcheong Province, 151 kilometers south of Seoul. He added that he meant “fraternal” dialogue, not a political one.

*the Holy See: 교황 (=Pope, the Holy Father, pontiff)
*further: 발전시키다, 성공시키다
*bishop: 주교
*fraternal: 형제애의, 우애의

[3] The pontiff is on a five-day apostolic voyage of Korea, his first outing to the region since taking papacy in March last year.

*pontiff: 교황
*apostolic voyage: 교황의 방문
*papacy: 교황의 지위 (take papacy 교황 직위에 오르다)


2. 남경필 아들 구속영장 기각

후임병을 폭행하고 강제 추행한 혐의로 수사를 받고 있는 남경필 경기 지사의 장남 남모 상병에 대한 구속영장이 기각됐다. 군 검찰은 보강조사를 거쳐 구속영장 재청구를 검토할 예정이다.

Court denies arrest warrant for Gyeonggi governor‘s son

[1] The military court on Tuesday rejected the Army prosecution’s request for an arrest warrant for the eldest son of Gyeonggi Province Gov. Nam Kyung-pil, who has been charged with beating and sexually harassing two of his junior colleagues at his unit of the Army‘s 6th Division.

*demand/request an arrest warrant: 구속영장 신청하다
*reject: 기각하다 (거부하다)
*sexually harass: 성추행하다 (sexually assault 성폭행하다)

[2] The court said that given that Nam’s son, a 23-year-old corporal, admitted to the charges and the victims do not want him to be punished, there was little possibility that he would flee or destroy any evidence concerning the charges.

*given that: ~점을 감안하면
*admit to: 시인하다
*flee: 도주하다

[3] The prosecution is considering requesting an arrest warrant again.

[4] Nam‘s son allegedly beat a 21-year-old private first class for not properly carrying out his duties from early April to early this month. The corporal is also purported to have hugged a 19-year-old private first class and tapped an area near his pants’ zipper between mid-July and recently.

*allegedly, purportedly: ~라고 알려진
*corporal: 상병
*private first class: 일병


3. 수십억 탈세 배우 송혜교 공식사과

인기 여배우 송혜교가 소득을 과소 신고했다가 세무조사를 받고 뒤늦게 납부한 사실이 드러났다. 송혜교 측은 세무 조사를 통해 부가된 추징 세금과 가산세를 모두 납부했지만, 주의를 기울이지 못한 것에 대해 공식 사과했다.


Actress Song Hye-kyo offers deep regret over tax evasion

[1] South Korean actress Song Hye-kyo on Tuesday apologized for committing tax evasion, stating in a news release that she “deeply regrets mishandling her tax affairs due to ignorance.”

*tax evasion: 탈세 (evade 피하다)
*mishandle: 잘못 처리, 관리하다
*ignorance: 무지 (~에 대한 지식이 없음)

[2] Song said that she had not been aware that her accountant had underreported her income taxes until the tax authority told her in 2012 that it could not acknowledge them due to a lack of documents on tax-deductible expenses.

*underreport: 과소신고하다
*acknowledge: 인정하다
*deductible: 공제가 가능한 (tax-deductible expenses 세금공제가 가능한 경비)

[3] Through her accountant, the actress reported 5.5 billion won ($5.4 million), or 92.3 percent, of 5.95 billion won as tax-deductible expenses without presenting the related expense documents when she filed her income taxes for three years, from 2009-2011.

*present: 제출하다, 제시하다 (=submit)

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