The Korea Herald


내년 외국인근로자 도입 5만3천명

By 양승진

Published : Dec. 22, 2013 - 16:11

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정부는 외국인력정책위원회(위원장 김동연 국무조정실장)를 열어 내년 외국인력(E-9) 도입규모를 5만3천명으로 확정했다고 22일 밝혔다.

올해 체류기간이 끝나 귀국 예정인 근로자 대체인력(1만7천명)과 중소기업의 추가 인력 수요 3만6천명을 반영한 규모로, 2013년 대비 3천명 늘었다.

업종별로는 내국인 구인에 어려움을 겪는 제조업(4만2천250명), 농축산업(6천명), 어업(2천300명)에 집중적으로 배정했다.

신규입국자는 4만7천400명, 재입국자는 5천600명이다.

<관련 영문 기사>

Korea to permit 53,000 foreign laborers next year

By Suk Gee-hyun

Korea will allow about 53,000 migrant workers under the non-professional employment (E-9) visa next year, an increase of 3,000 from this year, the Ministry of Employment and Labor said Sunday.

The figure includes about 5,600 workers with a reentry visa under the government’s foreign work permit system. 

They will be assigned largely to the manufacturing, construction, agriculture and fishing industries, which are suffering a worsening labor shortage. 

Some 17,000 foreign employees will return to their home country next year when their visas expire. 

About 420,000 people holding E-9 and overseas’ visiting employment (H-2) visas were in Korea as of September, according to the ministry. 

The number of foreign laborers in the country had continuously increased until 2012, when the figure fell by 70,000 people on-year to some 409,600. 
