The Korea Herald


[번역스쿨] 전문 광고사 개업

By Korea Herald

Published : Nov. 23, 2015 - 09:07

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[예제 229] Two business school graduates started a specialized advertising firm. They worked hard, and as the firm grew, they hired more people just like themselves ― bright, young, intense college graduates who were committed and hard working. The firm grew to about 20 employees over two and a half years, but the expected profits never materialized. The two entrepreneurs could never get a handle on what was wrong, and the firm slid into bankruptcy. Convinced their idea was still valid, they started over, but with a new philosophy. They sought employees with different ages, ethnic backgrounds, and work experience. People had different styles, yet the organization seemed to work better. People played different roles, and the varied experiences of the group enabled the firm to respond to unique situations and handle a variety of organizational and personal needs. The advertising firm is growing again, and this time it is also making profit.

[어휘] firm 회사 hire 고용하다 intense 강렬한, 열정적인 committed 헌신적인
materialize 실현되다, 구체화되다 entrepreneur 기업가 get a handle on ~을 이해하다
bankruptcy 파산 convince 확신시키다; ~라고 확신하다 valid 유효한

[번역 포인트]

Two business school graduates started a specialized advertising firm. They worked hard, and as the firm grew, they hired more people just like themselves ― bright, young, intense college graduates who were committed and hard working.

<직역> 두 경영 대학원 졸업생들이 전문화된 광고 회사를 시작했다. 그들은 열심히 일했고 회사가 자라면서, 그들은 자신들과 똑 같은 더 많은 사람들을 고용했다 ― 헌신적이고 열심히 일하는 똑똑하고, 젊고, 열정적인 대학 졸업생들.

<번역> 경영대학원을 졸업한 두 사람이 전문 광고사를 개업했다. 이들은 열심히 일했고 회사가 성장함에 따라 자신들과 똑 같은 사람들을 더 많이 고용했다. 말하자면, 헌신적이고 똑똑하고 젊고 열정적인 대학 졸업생들을 고용한 것이었다.

The firm grew to about 20 employees over two and a half years, but the expected profits never materialized. The two entrepreneurs could never get a handle on what was wrong, and the firm slid into bankruptcy.

<직역> 그 회사가 2년반동안 약 20명의 직원들까지로 커졌지만, 기대된 이익이 결코 실현되지 않았다. 그 두 기업가들은 무엇이 잘못되었는지 결코 이해할 수 없었고, 그 회사는 파산으로 미끄러졌다.

<번역> 사는 2년 반 만에 약 20명 정도의 직원을 거느릴 만큼 성장했지만 기대한 수익은 결코 실현되지 않았다. 그 두 기업가는 무엇이 잘못된 것인지 이해할 수 없었고, 결국 회사는 파산하게 되었다.